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As a synthetic organic group we work on the development of novel one-pot methodologies (domino and multicomponent reactions), which are catalytic, efficient and also environmentally benign. Following the concept of repetitive generation and transformation of reactive functionality we employ and develop catalytic processes, namely metal catalysis, organo catalysis, and enzyme catalysis. Increasingly, the concept of sequentially catalyzed one-pot processes is also developed and applied to the synthesis of molecules of interest.

One-pot methodology, in particular, if more than two compounds are transformed, are clearly superior in comparison to standard stepwise approaches. Therefore, we foster this conceptual approach for modular synthesis of functional chromophores, simple natural products and active ingredients for medicinal chemistry and life sciences

Physical Organic Chemistry

Based upon our synthetic approaches functional p-electron systems have clearly attracted our interest. Besides established systems, formed by novel one-pot approaches, we design and develop novel scaffolds with peculiar electronic and photonic properties and set out to establish structure-property relationships both by semi-empirical physical organic correlation studies as well as by applying state of the art quantum chemical calculations. Both latter aspects are as well applied to mechanistic studies in preparative heterocyclic chemistry

Molecular Electronic and Biological Properties 

Heterocycles and functional p-electron systems bear interesting, sometimes unique molecular properties and, therefore, can become constituents in manifold applications. For p-systems we consistently enhance special features, such as lowering oxidation potentials, planarization of excess p-electron systems, light-up of emission by aggregation in various media, lowering singlet-triplet gaps in the excited state etc. On the other hand, concise syntheses of novel small molecule heterocyclic effectors inspired by natural occurring alkaloids set the stage for medicinal chemistry of antiinfectiva and apoptosis inducers, which studied in collaboration with our partners from life sciences (pharmaceutical sciences, biology, biochemistry, molecular medicine) set the stage for developing new leads for remedies.